miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2011


Para los que sepan inglés. Expresa muy bien el punto de vista realmente promotor de libertad auténtica y no neoliberal-casinero (que realizan el trabajo sucio del globalismo iluminista-sociata en pos de un gobierno mundial. una economía global y una religión sincretista). Este laiser-fair bancario, sin límites de ningún tipo, está siendo devastador.


Europe is facing an unprecedented economic and political crisis. This crisis is the result of the the way the euro currency is being run as a Ponzi scheme for the profit of banks in full view of its citizens and the entire world.

The crisis is compounded by the fact that politicians have yet to hammer out a credible, long-term plan to deal with banks that are running amock and looting the continent’s citizens on a historical and spectacular scale.

Europe is indeed at a cross roads of total financial and economic destruction or else fundamental, radical and deep rooted reform. It is to be hoped it seizes the opportunity for deep rooted reform and overhauls its financial system and institutions so that they serve the people and the real economy.

Blocking the planned new eurozone bailout fund and fiscal union will go some way to preventing the eurozone public sector Ponzi scheme — as Mario Blejer described it — from destroying the economy. But answers are urgently needed on the long-term economic strategy. Europe needs a comprehensive Marshall Plan to restore prosperity after the mauling it has received from the banks.

A first step to reform would be probes into the banking crisis and criminal charges against banks like Deutsche Bank. There can be no genuine economic progress in Europe until the criminal commercial and central banks are finally brought under control, so paving the way for the establishment of a new financial system not based on debt and the exploitation of the fractional reserve banking system by the banks.

Bringing the banks under control is, in fact, possibly the biggest political, economic and social challenge facing both the USA and Europe today.

But although Europe is facing the same problem as the USA in respect of rogue banks, the USA has made more progress.

Both the Congress and Senate have produced hard hitting reports on the artificially engineered financial crisis and pressure is building for criminal charges against Goldman Sachs.

Presidential candidate Ron Paul is able to focus public attention on the role of the private Federal Reserve in the USA’s current economic meltdown. Though just a start, the USA so far has managed to produce more effective political answers than Europe to the central problem facing the world today – how to deal with an organised, international and criminal banking cartel that is destroying the real economy for their profit.

There are no comparable probes or political figures in Europe as yet other than Timo Soini, the newly elected leader of the True Finn party.

Not only Europe’s economy but also its political credibility is at stake when banks set about destroying the euro currency with blatantly criminal means before the eyes of the word. The banksters also openly plan to replace the euro and the dollar with another disastrous IMF currency to start yet another Ponzi scheme.

Will the EU and USA/NAU pledge to guarantee each other’s state debt in any new “uno” IMF currency bloc? You bet! In fact, all five continents, of Asia, Africa, the EU and North and South America, will, no doubt, pledge to guarantee each other’s bloc debt in a new global “uno” IMF/UN currency setting the stage for a global Ponzi scheme if the banksters can get away with it.

Criminal proceedings against Deutsche Bank and other European banks would be a good way to begin restoring confidence in the euro currency because it would signal there is political will to deal with the root problem.

Probes should also include the role of the ECB, which is acting like the Federal Reserve and engaging in quantative easing by buying up increasing quantities of worthless bonds of countries such as Greece – the Ponzi scheme element.

But such probes are not enough. A Marshall plan is needed to put large numbers of banks into managed insolvency while minimizing disruption to the real economy and lay the foundations for a new financial system that is not based on money as a private debt to banks and therefore inherently unstable.

The gigantic amount of artificially-engineered, private bank debt now smothering European governments is like a black hole. It is the financial equivalent of the Anti Christ, a fractional-reserve banking system zero and null that is nevertheless able to suck the life blood out of any real economy because by the destructive impact of interest payments foisted on all tax payers by complicit politicians.

Vienna Economics Professor Franz Hörmann has described the mechanics of wealth confiscation by the banks using the fractional reserve banking system. This allows banks to create money out of thin air. He explains why paying interest on this debt is really a form of expropriation. He has also explained why our current financial system is constructed with a fatal flaw and so inevitably heading for a meltdown.

If the euro currency is to have any future, it has to be thoroughly reformed to serve the needs of the real economy and its citizens. The institutions, policies and rules which have allowed the currency to become the plaything of the banks and a tool for a Ponzi scheme also have to be replaced by new ones.

China demonstrates that money can be printed by a government without creating a debt to a private bank and the consequent interest payment obligations which make an eventual collapse a mathematical certainty. China is now enjoying phenomenal rates of economic growth precisely because it prints money without creating debt, invests in technology and also manages to drain away excess liquidity efficiently to avoid inflation.

Europe’s future lies in this direction.

Even if eurozone countries do not leave the euro, a regional currency, at the very least, is also vital to restore the competitiveness of countries such as Greece.

The economic gap between southern and northern Europe have been exacerbated by the euro.

While Greece and Portugal have lost competitiveness, German has turned into a highly competitive exporter. Only its gigantic export surplus is being used to pay off its burgeoning national debt. Meanwhile, there is little inward investment and the German workforce increasingly subsists on slave wages and are burdened by high taxes. Germans also pay for the criminal banks by risible Hartz IV benefits and “one”-euro government subsidised slave jobs.

To get Europe back on track, a Marshall plan is needed. The world needs to see European politicians have a credible, long term plan for sound money and a sound economy.

Hörmann makes an imaginative proposal for a new money system assigning value to spiritual ideas and focussed around rewarding creativity and good qualities. Now that would be a perspective – but perhaps a longer term one once the eurozone meltdown is brought under control.



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